temoji is a consulting & marketing specialist in the global corporate travel and meetings industry.
You’re the engine that makes this industry go, a travel supplier* who thrives on continually improving how you serve your clients and their travellers.
We’re the special ingredient to help you connect and deliver better to your clients, prospective customers and wider stakeholders.
*We’re often asked what we mean when we say “travel suppliers”. For us it’s simple. It’s any company which provides services to the corporate travel buyer or traveller themselves. This ranges from Travel Management Companies (TMCs) to Online Booking Tools (OBTs) and OTAs to aggregators and other tech providers, right the way to airlines, accommodation companies and ground transport providers.
At temoji we believe that every challenge you face is solvable through the creation of better “Social and Intellectual Capital”.
Refers to the depth of the human relationship between you and your stakeholders.INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL
Refers to the level of insight, debate and intelligent engagement on industry issues you have with that audience.
The two go hand-in-hand for success. When strong social and intellectual capital is created, the experience is deeper, objectives are achieved, solutions are found and the groundwork for long-term industry success is created. What that means we do for you depends on what your objectives are, and there’s only one way to discover what that is. By talking with you*.
*We can’t espouse building social and intellectual capital and then just offer you a list of online products to buy. We wouldn’t be true to ourselves. We need to know who you really are and what success really looks like for you!
But incase you’re still left wondering what type of things we actually do, here’s a description of some of our work. Just remember that we are not the type of people who are limited by lists. Our solution to your challenge will be curated specifically for you.
Creating, managing and delivering great environments to deeply discuss industry issues, their effects and your service with your best customers and even your prospects too.
From helping you identify who you are, what makes you different, who your audience is, where to find them and how to best engage with them.
Formats, content, speakers, theming, onsite management of the content and on-stage moderation, to get the best of your event and make sure your guests enjoy and remember the experience too.
Identifying strengths, passions, aligned objectives and ways of working to deliver winning game-plans.
Objectives, formats and onsite facilitation to make sure the best ideas are heard and the team is aligned on next steps. There’s nothing like someone independent to help you get to where you need to be.
Listening intently to what your customers or prospects think and feel about key industry issues…and maybe we can ask them about you too? Then we overlay our own knowledge and translate that into recommendations and actions.
Helping you and your team decide what to do about solving today and tomorrow’s client challenges.
Co-drafting and delivering reports, white papers, videos, action groups or other intellectual content.
We’re a crack team of industry specialists who originated as the supplier consulting division of the leading global travel and meetings consultancy. In 2024, we separated to create an independent company dedicated solely to the supplier community, and temoji was born. You can read about it here.
The word “temoji” itself represents “…travel’s emotive journey”. It’s a reflection of the emotive nature of travel. For example
…in our destination experiences through different cultures and landscapes.
…in the positive and negative impacts that travel service experiences have on us.
…and, in the very nature of corporate travel & meetings management, hugely impactful change (such as sustainability and distribution, for example) creates relationship and knowledge challenges and opportunities for us all.
We see our role to interpret these industry changes and apply our insights and techniques to help you navigate the impact on your company, teams and customers, by building social and intellectual capital. Culturally, we think we’re different, but everyone says that right? So, let’s show you how different we are by explaining “temoji-style”;
We’re the special sauce…
Our deep industry knowledge and networks, overlaid with our own perspective brings something fresh to the way you work.
Whether it’s engaging with your customers in an advisory board, delivering a piece of industry thought leadership or getting the most of your sales team’s performance at the next big expo, what we bring is something extra, that special sauce.
*of course one person’s favourite sauce is another person’s shoulder-shudder, so we know we aren’t for everyone.
We’re an island…
We’re not like most companies. We’re an exotic island in the corporate world, a paradise destination for some of our industry’s best talent. We’re a fully remote business, working together regardless of time zone, geography or situation. Our people are independent, resilient, collaborative, mobile and resourceful, just like islanders need to be. And best of all, they are their own boss. We’re a collaborative, without hierarchy or long lists of rules to follow.
We simply work with the best and the brightest people who wish to self-determine their own work/life balance and choose projects they love to deliver. This means clients get the best out of our* people as they play to their strengths and passions.
*Well, they’re technically not “ours”, they are “theirs”, but they’ll tell you they are temojians through and through!
We’re that first sip of a delicious cocktail…
What you see is what you get with temoji. We’re honest and refreshing, like a yummy, hot-pink cocktail made from the freshest ingredients right in front of your eyes. We often say that we’re the hard truth you need to hear, and if you don’t like it we’re ok with that. We’ve been told we stop people drinking their own Kool-Aid.
Only the best friend really tells you how it is and only the wise know they need a friend like that. How wise are you? Take our “How wise are you test” (Only kidding, we know you’re wise, you’re reading this!)
*…or mocktail if that’s not your thing, we’re all different.
We’re driving the fun bus…
Of course, fun doesn’t have to be the enemy of work*. You’ll find our people (we call them temojians, as in “the islanders of temoji”) are themselves and they bring their own infectious energy. Don’t worry, we know how and when to be serious too and matching our energy with yours is what we’re good at.
We’re dealing with a serious industry facing serious challenges and opportunities after all. And we’re dedicated to making sure you achieve your objectives. But, in our experience, enjoyable environments create social capital that lasts and no matter how serious the topic, there’s always a bright side.
*kudos to temojian Aurelie Krau – it’s her favourite saying!